Women’s Support Groups in Georgia

The journey can feel lonely in womanhood. Trying to navigate the challenges alone can be mentally draining. You often find yourself, feeling abandoned or saying “I’m the only one I know that feels like this.”

I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. There are other women feeling exactly like you.

They feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. They want to talk to someone but no one understands. They feel like everyone else around them is preoccupied with their own stuff and so they keep it bottled in just like you.

I’m here to tell you that you no longer have to suffer in silence! We have a tribe of women waiting to welcome you.

A new pathway to wellness is right around the corner.

Women's support groups

Support Groups can help with…

  • Relating to others who are going through similar challenges as you

  • Learning from others and how they are coping

  • Gaining healthier ways to manage your emotions and thoughts

  • Feeling heard, seen, and validated by other women who “get it”

Your voice has a safe space to be heard! It deserves to be validated and seen!

Women’s Support Groups In Georiga

We have two virtual support groups to choose from

Sacred Spaces is a Women identifying 8-week VIRTUAL support group that meets every two weeks focusing on the wellness of a survivor of sexual assault, for a total of 4 sessions. Each meeting will comprise of specialized topics and somatic bodywork in hopes of creating a collective and collaborative sacred space of healing.

The support group meets biweekly in order to allow space for weekly reflections and homework completion. This is a difficult topic to share and because of that, it is important that space be given for individual work to be done between meetings.

Topics will include but are not limited to…

1. Developing past trauma behavior patterns

2. Developing positive coping skills

3. Developing a positive view of self

4. Developing self-advocacy and healthy relationship-building skills

*** This is not to be considered therapy or to be used in lieu of therapy. It is encouraged that each client works with a therapist while receiving additional support here in the space.

The dates for this group are as follows

Jan 11 and Jan 25

Feb 8 and Feb 22

Times for the group will be 8p to 9:30p ET.

This support group is valued at $450/ 8-week session; however, this group will be offered for $200 total/ per person.

Because of the details and difficulty of the subject matter, sexual trauma, that will be discussed, this group will be CLOSED and only a LIMITED NUMBER of participants will be allowed to join in order for us to create the Sacred Space needed for healing.

DeShelle Burrowes, LPC, NCC, CLC, CMIP is a Sex Therapy trained Trauma Psychotherapist. She has worked extensively with sexual assault survivors for the past 7 years, as an Emergency room advocate AND a Rape Crisis Therapist. She is the owner of The Pathway to Wellness, LLC. She understands the importance of having a safe sacred space to heal, process, and to be heard and she also understands that this walk can be difficult to do alone. Because of her commitment to women healing, she is well-versed in Therapy from a Trauma lens and she is a forever learner and fights for spaces that are important for the healing of all women.

The deadline for submission to sign up for this group is Wednesday, January 4th.

Don’t miss out on the AMAZING opportunity to make the changes you know you’ve been needing and for the support you’ve wanted to begin or continue on your pathway to wellness.


Gain Support from other moms

Obtain helpful resources and skills

Form lasting relationships

Passcode is WELLNESS