Clearing a pathway for your wellness while meeting your goals

Are you a busy, high-performing woman or mom?

If you said, YES, you are in the right place! I get it!

Coaching for women Georgia

You are wearing many hats that are keeping up with schedules, deadlines, chores, children, and life itself.

Life is on auto-pilot and you are on to the next thing before even finishing the last.

Exhaustion is your BFF and you don’t remember the last time you celebrated you!

You’re probably here because…

We are often finding ourselves doing this alone without any support and doing it this way may be getting in the way of us:

  • Getting our to-do list done

  • Spending time with our families or children

  • Succeeding in our professional lives or

  • Making time for our own well-being and self-care!

Going at it alone is something that we all have probably learned to do and finding support can feel scary. Reaching out for help outside of your comfort zone can be a big leap! I invite you to be honest with yourself and ask yourself, how has doing it alone worked?

Has it led to burnout, overwhelm, leaving your needs on the back burner?

If so, I want to invite you to collaborate with me to:

Celebrate your wins!

Celebrate your wins

Woman with family after coaching

Make time for your family

Woman taking care of self after coaching self care

Take care of your needs

Meet your empowerment coach! DeShelle Burrowes

Hi, I’m Deshelle and I invite you to collaborate with me to help you succeed while stopping to take time for yourself. I get it. I have been where you are. Super busy, trying to juggle all the things but leaving well-being behind. Life can get away from us and we can easily end up on auto-pilot.

I’m here to support you in transitioning into a new pathway. A pathway of intentionality. Stop and take a breath, you deserve this! I’m here to help you celebrate you and all of your wins! Being a busy mom or woman can get overwhelming! I want to support you in preventing burnout so that you can show up for you in a different way!

If you are ready to move out of survival into a space of thriving connect with me below! I’m excited to learn how I can support you!

DeShelle Burrowes

*Please note that coaching sessions are not covered by insurance